Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Mood of Collaboration shed

Dropped in by John's for some beers and a little paintin' on his wee shed. It seems to get dark earlier way too fast after midsummer, ran out of light but mananged to make a start... more to come!

There were some noisy emanations from within the shed, here's John Cromar at work...

Duncan, Allison and me. Dunc channels intense painting powers through his majestic 'stash...

Monday, 7 July 2008

It looks like I'll be collaborating with Brain Ross and Colin Robison on a giant mural/installation at Limousine Bull in Aberdeen sometime soon, maybe August. Sweet. In the meantime we'll be painting a shed next weekend at our buddy Jon's bbq (he made a stop motion film of our last mural/performance) - beer and paint is always a good combo.

Got a wee piece out on the street today, the first of a series of cardboard trees.