On Sat 17th April I finally took the mobile-interactive-sculpture Kaleyedoscope out into the streets of Aberdeen, Scotland.

It turned out to be quite a draw...

...even the local young 'hoodies' seemed interested.

Some keen youngsters wanted to see how it all went down in the innards...

The view through the pupil:

Inside the eye was a kaleidoscope linked to a video screen. This played a looped video made by local legend Jon Reid of a previous stage of the project: a collaborative public paint jam at Project Slogan gallery, Aberdeen.

There was a crank-handle which was used to rotate the kaleidoscope inside, which meant at least 2 people had to work together to bring it alive. This fellow demonstrated some particularly vigorous cranking:

Moving on from the first spot at Union St/Bridge St...

to Belmont Street...

then travelling again...

to the lovely, and hopefully long-lived Union Terrace Gardens!

Weirdly, the girl I'm talking to on the right here (i think it was Lisa?) was showing me a poem she had written only days earlier which featured the line "kaleidoscope eyes"...

The eyeball crew, clockwise from top: Me, Neil Henderson, Jon Reid and Stu Awesome.

Most of these photographs were taken by man about town Neil Henderson:
Cheers Neil!

Jon spent the day filming it all and continuing to grow his awesome 'stash:

and the always awesome Stu Awesome was on beer management and security detail:

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